
Auto and Auto Ancillary

On the manufacturing side, the auto and auto ancillary industry is highly sensitive to market demand and supply. Manufacturing is market-driven. Due to this, accurate forecasting is extremely important. Inaccurate forecasting may lead to a mismatch of inventory and result in manufacturing delays.

The auto and auto ancillary industry tends to channel distribution through a series of retailers or suppliers. Maintaining constant retail level availability of parts in demand is important. Here too, forecasting plays an important role. Inaccurate forecasting may result in high inventory, tying up working capital. The need to push products through schemes, discounts may drive down profits.

We at Holistic Consulting aim to help you improve reliability, lower inventory, and improve lead times on the manufacturing side. Further, we aid you in achieving improved retail availability and lower stockouts or surpluses for an optimised inventory. These result in sustained positive profit levels.

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Pharmaceutical Manufacturing

Today, pharmaceutical companies are steadily seeing falling profits and rising costs. The root of the problem can often be traced back to a number of varied reasons. One of the prominent reasons is inefficient production processes.

Pharmaceutical companies are characterised by dedicated product routings, variability in manufacturing capacity as well as variable availability of raw material. Manufacturing processes tend to have similar raw materials and production processes. Due to this, pile-ups in certain parts of the manufacturing process may lead to starvation in other parts of the system. This results in highly variable lead times and delays in the completion of product batches. Struggling to complete delayed batches cause frequent scheduling changes that further overburden the entire system and hamper efficiency on the whole.

We at Holistic Consulting help companies streamline production processes, improve lead times and manage production delays.


Textile manufacturing plants are highly sensitive to demand/supply currents. Production tends to take place in large batches through capital-intensive machinery. Inaccurate forecasting can lead to a large amount of material being pushed into the market that is not in line with actual demand. Another common trend is a disconnect in batched line items and actual order due dates resulting in either inventory pile-ups or order completion delays.

We at Holistic Consulting help improve reliability and ensure lower inventory and lead times. We aim to help companies control costs and meet customer commitments.

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With rapidly developing technology and infrastructure, there is a boom in the need for engineering companies capable of efficiently delivering projects. However, this rapid development has also resulted in the engineering sector becoming uncertain and risky. There is a shortage of skilled labour that can effectively navigate constant changes. This can affect manufacturing on the whole.

On-time delivery of kits is a core part of project delivery. This can only be ensured if the kit contains all requisite parts. This can only be possible if there is a timely flow of raw materials, on-time availability of bought materials, and efficient production processes.

Common problems can be seen in the form of delays in manufacturing or project execution. However such problems tend to be unavoidable in certain cases. Bad multitasking may further exacerbate existing problems.

We at Holistic Consulting aim to improve full kit availability, inventory optimisation, project execution, and so on to ensure on-time project completion and product delivery.

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Equipment Manufacturing

Equipment management companies have a trend of showing sales growth without concurrent profit growth. Further logistical problems such as resource management, workflow management and so on can pose problems to manufacturing efficiency.

Multiple equipment manufacturing companies offer ‘After Sale Services’ during and post-warranty periods. Problems such as unavailability of necessary spares may lead to lower ROCE and Up Time for customers.

We at Holistic Consulting help improve turnaround time, lower inventory, etc. On a service level, we aim to improve Up Time for customers, lower stockouts, higher ROIs, and so on.

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Consumer Goods and Retail

On the Operation and Supply Chain side, consumer and retail goods have a low customer tolerance time. Further, they are greatly impacted by seasonality. The industry is prone to both stockouts and surpluses.

Distributors and retailers need to have goods available on demand. However, market demand is uncertain. This may lead to high inventory costs. Unreliability of supply frequency may lead to a loss in projected profits.

Consumer and retail goods is a highly saturated industry with high competition. Hence, there is a constant need to reduce cost while increasing quality. Standard improvement activities may not result in the necessary level of improvement.

At Holistic Consulting, we help companies improve supply reliability, improve on-shelf availability, lower stockouts and surpluses, reduce costs and improve quality.

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